Army on the March

Army of Rubber Duckies, Foto: ASHCROFT54,,  CC BY ND 2.0
Army of Rubber Duckies, Foto: ASHCROFT54,, CC BY ND 2.0

There is an Army, an Army on the March
Recruited from our imaginary Friends
They flock together and they are growing large
On a Campaign claiming back your Innocence

They`re launching hard Hits of sudden Memory
Bring back the Beauty of our childish Dreams
Of hidden Landscapes and noble Phantasy
Game-Playing, Laughter and boisterously Screams

They leave the devastated Places of our Infancies
They waited long for a Sign of Empathy
But we preferred to ignore our ancient Liberties
Now they are out to restore the Amity

Gentle playfellows were turned into Warriors
Declaring War on the Source of Ennui
On a Campaign that will overcome all Barriers
Thousands of Soldiers: a bold Insurgency

It is you
whom they blame
for their Balefulness

They are hard
driven by
aching Homesickness

They just want to
get back to
their lost Paradise

And they just
want to hear
you apologize

There is an Army, an Army on the March
Recruited from our imaginary Friends
They flock together and they are growing large
On a Campaign that eventually ends

Our Inertness and everyday Indifference
Wrong Precedences and Weight of Urgency
And the Monotony of Everyday Existence
And the Illusion of Non-Emergency

They want to break through our Armour of Oblivion
Crack the Restrictions of jaded Adulthood
They want us reading the mystical Inscriptions
On our Pastlife, they want us back for good

Many will see it as an adverse Invasion
As a Disgrace and an aggravating Charge
Under the Banner of final Liberation
There is an Army, an Army on the March

It is you
whom they blame
for their Balefulness

They are hard
driven by
aching Homesickness

They just want to
get back to
their lost Paradise

And they just
want to hear
you apologize

Studio Rohschnitt des Songs:

Der Song Live:

Aus dem Album „Flying Panties“