Little Blasphemies

Flaws, Foto: Diamond Farah, msdiamondfarah,, CC BY ND 2.0
Flaws, Foto: Diamond Farah, msdiamondfarah,,
CC BY ND 2.0

Sweet Little Blasphemies only Insiders can afford
Sweet little Blasphemies causing mental Disaccord
Sweet little Atrocities deranging the sacred Phrases
Sweet little Insanities from inside the holy Bases

Sweet little Ironies bemuse the Fraction of Believers
Leading to Tragedies in the poisoned Mind of the Receivers
Sweet little Velocities concussing the whole Construction
That shaken Edifice ending in terrible Destruction

Sweet Little Blasphemies only Insiders can afford
Sweet little Blasphemies causing mental Disaccord
Sweet little Atrocities deranging the sacred Phrases
Sweet little Insanities from inside the holy Bases

Sweet little Ironies they are more dangerous than
Invading Enemies. It´s Treason from within
Uphold the Discipline. Be brave and pull yourself together
Elsewise the loony bin will gobble us up forever

Sweet Little Blasphemies only Insiders can afford
Sweet little Blasphemies causing mental Disaccord

Aus dem Album „Flying Panties“