I deserve it

Hello Loser, Foto: Justin Mazza, mazzastick, Flickr.com, CC BY SA 2.0
Hello Loser, Foto: Justin Mazza, mazzastick, Flickr.com, CC BY SA 2.0

My Disciplinarians don´t talk to me
Their persistent Silence makes my Life a Misery
I´m afraid to face my ultimate Dismissal
My Colleagues look like Attendants at my Funeral

My Girlfriend fully refuses to stroke on me
Formerly, she wasn´t known for her Frigidity
So a terrible Suspicion became manifest
I´m a Loser and that makes her lose her Interest


I deserve it
Yes, I say “I permit”
To the whole fucking Shit
I deserve it
Cause I´m a Sinner

I deserve it
Yes, I say “I permit”
To the whole fucking Shit
I deserve it
Cause I´m a Sinner

And on Facebook there´s a Shit Storm aimed at me
It´s an overall Loss of my social Family
I guess I said something wrong and now I long
For the Times before the Raid of Facebook Vietcong

Those who see me on the Street they flee from me
And I am contemned like a broken Pottery
And I hear so very many People sing
This Mock Song I hear so many People whispering

You deserve it
Yes, you said, “I permit”
To the whole fucking Shit
You deserve it
Cause you´re a Sinner

You deserve it
Yes, you said, “I permit”
To the whole fucking Shit
You deserve it
Cause you´re a Sinner

Der Song live:

Aus dem Album „Flying Panties“